
Friday, February 5, 2010

+ Result


Yes that is right I am pregnant.

I had totally written this cycle off as I had spotting and cramping and I was sure it was all over. But to my amazement I kept getting positive results on the POAS (Pee on a stick) every day they got darker and darker.

I went in for my Blood test on the 29th of December and I had the great news by lunch time. 

My HCG levels where 386 and progesterone was 49.8 so all was going well and I was well and truly pregnant. I retested on the 5th of January and my HCG where 5355 Progesterone was 60. My scan with my FS (Fertility Specialist) was made for the 27th of January, but I could wait that long to know that everything was where it should be so I went to my GP and asked to a scan.

I had my first scan on the 15th of January. Echo's (in utero name) heartbeat is 143bpm and is measuring 6w5d. So all is about right. Oh what a relief 

I had my second scan with my FS at 8.5 weeks and Echo had double in size and was moving and kicking it's little legs, Oh how amazing 

My next scan and blood test is at 12 weeks 23rd of February. After I get those results I will be ready to tell the whole world ~ LOL that is the half that I haven't already told.

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