I had just got home from my scan, and I get a phone call from my GP herself saying that she needs to see me right away.
My test results were rushed though and she got a phone call from the Scanning unit. This are not good.
My Numbers are -
Background Risk of trisomy 21 - 1 :504 {Based on Age}
Adjusted Risk of Trisomy 21 - 1:3 {Based on Scan and Blood Results}
Background Rick of Trisomy 13+18 1 -909 {Based on Age}
Adjusted Rick of Trisomy 1:16 {Based on Scan and Blood Results}
Abnormal increased nuchal translucency of 7mm.
My GP has made my appointment and reffed me to a Specialist in Brisbane for an Amnoi on the of 9th March at the Wesley Hospital.
I know not to trust the results from my blood tests as all of the IVF drugs can mess with the results, but it's the scan results that are say that things are not right.
So tomorrow Mum and I fly out to Brisbane for my Amnio and I should get the first lots of results some time the following day, then some more at 48 hours and then the final ones 2 weeks after.
It's been the hardest 2 weeks of my life waiting for this appointment.
Please wish me luck and please do not comment about this on my Facebook as I am not ready for the world to know just yet.
Good luck Gemma I truly hope that all is well with the Amnio I will be thinking of you.
Gemma, Gemma, Gemma, (shakes head) lol Why do you spell Amnio with an E? Everytime i read it in our convos i have to giggle :) Cause it looks like your refering to an enema (well thats the first thing that comes to mind when i read emnio lol)
I hope everything goes smoothly for you tomorrow. Good Luck! Can't wait to hear your good news lovey.
Luv & hugs from Manda & sticker
Sorry thought that I had fixed it :D
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